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ACA 미국 전문직 라이센스 Prep 에서 한국인의 미국정착 관문을 활짝 열어 드리겠습니다.

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10 Sample Questions 연방 기출 문제

Question 1,101

Which of the following is NOT a commonly used index for ARMs?

A)    The Federal Reserve Board’s Federal Funds Rate
B)    The London Interbank Offered Rate Index
C)    The Federal Reserve Board’s One-Year Constant Maturity Treasury Rate
D)    The monthly Cost-of-Funds Index

The correct answer is A

다음중  ARM 에서 흔히쓰는 index  아닌것은

A) FRB 연방 기금 이자율
C) 연방 기금의 1  만기 국채율
D) 월간 COFI

Question 1,102

An interest-only ARM payment plan allows a borrower to pay only the interest for a specified number of years, typically between

A)    three and 10 years
B)    two and five years
C)    two and 15 years
D)    one and two years

The correct answer is A

이자 only ARM  borrower 에게 보통 몇년간 이자만 낼수있는 plan  주게되나

A) 3 and 10 years
B) 2 and 5 years
C) 2 and 15 years
D) 1 and 2 years

Question 1,103

Which of the following is true with regard to margin rates of adjustable rate mortgage?

A)    All lenders charge the same margin rate.
B)    Once set, the margin rate usually does not change over the life of the loan.
C)    When comparing two loans, the one with the lower margin rate will always have the lower interest rate.
D)    A lender may not charge more than the limit allowed by the Federal Reserve.

The correct answer is B

ARM  margin rate (마진율 대하여 맞는것은

A) 모든 렌더가 같은 마진을 charge 한다
B) 한번 정해지면  기간동안 변화하지 않는다
C) 두개의   비교할때 마진이 낮은   항상 이자율도 낮은 것이다
D) 렌더  연방기금  허락한 한도 이상은 charge 하지 못한다

Question 1,104

The typical pattern of payments on an interest-only (I-O) payment plan is

A)    smaller payments, then larger payments unless interest rates stay the same
B)    similar payments throughout
C)    larger payments, then smaller payments
D)    smaller payments, then larger payments

The correct answer is D

이자 온리  전형적 Payment 패턴 

A) 이자율이 항상 같은것이 아니라면 작은 Payment 에서  Payment 으로
B) 비슷한 Payment 으로 계속하여
C)  Payment 에서 작은 Payment 으로
D) 작은  Payment 그리고  Payment  변화

Question 1,105

The ARM index based on the interest expenses on saving deposits reported by member savings banks in the Federal Home Loan Bank System’s 11th District is the

A)    CMT
C)    Treasury yield index
D)    COFI

The correct answer is D

ARM 인덱스 로써 은행들의 이자 지불 비용  기준하여 계산되고 11  구역 연방 주택 융자 은행으로 알려진 것은

B) 런던 국제 은행
C) 재무국 수익율 지표

Question 1,106

If the initial interest rate for an ARM is 5%, the index rate is 4%, and the margin is 2% which of the following is true?

A)    The fully indexed rate is 5%.
B)    The fully indexed rate is 6%.
C)    The discounted index rate is 4%
D)    The new ARM rate will be 7%

The correct answer is B

ARM  기준 이자 5%, 인덱스 rate 4%, 마진율 2% 일때 다음중 사실인것은

A) 최대 index 이자율 5%
B) 6%   ARM = Index + margin
C) 할인 Index 이자율 4%
D) 새로운 변동 이자는 7%  될것

Question 1,107

All of the following are nontraditional loan products EXCEPT

A)    reverse mortgages
B)    hybrid ARMs
C)    option ARMs
D)    interest-only 30-year mortgage loans

The correct answer is D

다음중 변종   아닌것은 (일반적  인것은)

A)  몰게지
B) 믹스 변동
C) 옵션 변동 (가장 흔히 쓰였던 걱으로 원금이 늘어나거나원금이 줄지 않거나 원금이 조금씩 줄게끔  Payment 액수를 자유자재로 변동시킬수 있는 몰게지)
D) 이자 온리 30  몰게지 

Question 1,108

Of an ARM has a 1% annual interest rate cap, the borrower’s monthly payment of principal and interest

A)    cannot increase by more than 1% per year
B)    will increase or decrease based on changes in the margin rate
C)    may increase even if the index rate decreases
D)    will always decrease if the index rate decreases

The correct answer is C

ARM  1% 이자 상한선이 있다 borrower  원금  이자 Payment 

A) 1 년에 1% 이상 올릴수는 없다
B) 마진율의 변화의 따라 오르던지 내리던지 할수있다
C) 인덱스 rate  내려가도 올라갈수 있다
Index 3.0 = 2.5  내려가도 이자 상한선 1%  추가 되면 결국 3,5%  3.0% vs 3.5%  된다
D) Index 율이 내려가면 언제나 내려갈 것이다

Question 1,109

An FHA 7/1 ARM is

A)    a hybrid ARM that adjusts after the first seven years and then annually
B)    an ARM with an initial interest rate of 7%
C)    an ARM that has no caps
D)    an ARM that cannot adjust by more than 1% in interest at any time

The correct answer is A

FHA 7/1 ARM 이란?

A) 합성 ARM 으로 7 년후 조정 그리고 매년 조정
B) 초기 이자율 7%  변동이자
C) 상한선이 없는 변동이자
D) 어느때이던 1% 이상 조정될수 없는 변동이자

Question 1,110

When interest is not paid on a payment-option ARM because of a payment cap, the interest is

A)    added to the balance of the loan
B)    added to next period’s interest
C)    dismissed
D)    waived

The correct answer is A

Payment 상한선 때문에 이자가 지불되지 않았을때  이자 

A)   balance  추가된다
B) 다음 기간의 이자에 추가된다
C) 없어진다
D) 포기 된다

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